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Thank You So Much!!!

Happy Thanksgiving & turkey in front of beautiful blue gradient yarns.

Thank you guys so much for letting me inundate you with all the yarn stuff that I’m obsessed with. Thank you for helping me to continue this fiber obsession by buying my patterns, kits & random handmade goods. Thank you especially though, for just being friendly & supportive. Sometimes what goes on behind the scenes is a lot more chaotic, stressful & heartbreaking than what gets shown online. If we’ve chatted together, you’ve shown me your finished projects from my patterns or you’ve even just commented on or liked some of my work, please know that it absolutely means the world to me!

A lot of work & time goes into each pattern I create & I wouldn’t be able to put them out except for my excellent team of test knitters & my tech editors. So thank you for every error found & every incorrect stitch count caught, guys. You’re the absolute best!

Thank you also to every knitter or crocheter that has purchased from me. It’s also completely true that every time someone purchases a pattern, kit or class from me I get crazy excited & can’t stop smiling for the rest of the day. It’s hugely validating & even a $5 pattern purchase can take a day from feeling overwhelming to one where I feel like I’m winning in everything I do. Thank you all so much for continuing to support me as I grow as a designer & business owner & for helping me to share what I love with all of you. I love you guys, happy Thanksgiving!




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