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Knittin Listen... charity: water


I don't know about you guys, but I listen to a TON of podcasts in a bunch of different genres while I'm knitting (or driving, or walking, or cleaning, or cooking...) So I thought that from time to time you might be interested in hearing about a podcast that I love, but that may be new to you. These posts will be labeled as Knittin Listen posts so you can find them easily when you need to try something fresh & interesting.

Today I'd like to introduce you to the Rich Roll Podcast episode 305:

Scott Harrison is the founder of charity: water, the organization that I've selected to contribute to with sales of my eBook, If I Wanted Exposure...

charity: water

I am so impressed with charity: water's commitment to transparency and to making sure that donated funds are actually being attributed to the clean water projects. Their operating costs are covered by private donors so literally every dollar sent in helps to provide clean water to people in developing nations. This is huge!!

I hope you enjoy this in-depth interview with Scott & that you decide to contribute to the clean water projects. Whether it's through a donation to charity: water itself or through the purchase of my eBook, every dollar helps in making clean drinking water a reality worldwide.

If you're interested in anything that they discuss in this episode, full show notes with links to everything can be found on the RRP episode 305 webpage.

If you enjoyed the Rich Roll Podcast & would like to hear more deep dive interviews with world changers like Scott Harrison, consider subscribing:

Happy Knitting (& listening!),

Shaina ^_^


Support the #TitsOutCollective and charity: water by purchasing a copy of my eBook, If I Wanted Exposure...

$5 of every copy sold goes towards charity: water!

Only available for purchase in the month of July 2018!


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